London-based private equity manager with in-house marketer as well as placement agent (all FCA regulated), targeting family offices of varying sizes (including family-managed) as well as opting-out HNWI
- Documented investor classification and knowledge of code of conduct
- Appoint a Swiss representative and paying agent for the fund
- Register manager and placement agent entities with an ombudsman
- Register investor-facing individual(s) with client advisor register
New York based long short equity manager (SEC regulated) marketing two funds via a UK-based placement agent (FCA regulated) to Swiss private banks
- Placement agent can proceed without appointing Ombudsman and client advisor registry.
- Appointment of Swiss representative and paying agent for the funds will only be necessary should one or several of banks require it based on the investors the bank(s) will be offering the funds to.
Singapore-based manager (MAS regulated) distributing a Cayman global macro fund into Switzerland, with uncertainty as to which investors will be targeted as they are working with cap-intro as well as relying on referrals from industry colleagues.
- Documented investor classification and knowledge of code of conduct
- Appoint a Swiss representative and paying agent for the fund
- Register investment manager (entity) with an ombudsman
- Register individual(s) who will be having initial contact with investors on client advisor register.